International Miniature Zebu Association
DNA Submission Guide
DNA Submission Guide
Please follow these steps if you would like your IMZA Registered
Zebu’s DNA test results recorded into the IMZA herd book.
1. Please read the instructions carefully.
2. Only Miniature Zebu that are tested for Genotype or Parentage
verified will be recorded in the IMZA herd book.
3. Create an account with UC Davis VGL
4. Log in to your VGL account.
5. Select “Cattle” at the top of the page.
6. Fill out the information exactly as it appears on your registration papers. If your Miniature Zebu is not registered yet fill in the information with the information you do have.
Affiliate With Registry – check this box and select IMZ from the list.
Name – exactly as it appears on your registration certificate or as it will appear on the upcoming registration certificate including the farm prefix.
Registration # - Enter it exactly as it appears on your registration papers. If the Miniature Zebu is not registered yet please enter NR in this space. This information will be updated when the animal has entered the herd book.
Sex – Choose one. (Steers mark as Males)
Date of Birth – Is the date of birth.
State of Birth - In what State was the animal calved.
Breed – The drop down menu select Miniature Zebu.
Purity – If you are registering the Miniature Zebu it should be 100% purebred.
Select the Horn Status from the drop down menu.
Color - Input the color of the Miniature Zebu - please note that calves may change color when they mature.
Upload Photo - Upload a photo of the Miniature Zebu - A full side profile is preferred.
Alt ID – This is where you put your animals Primary ID. USDA tag, Microchip, NUES tag, Farm Tag, Tattoo, or Brand. This record will remain in the VGL database so you need to careful to enter it accurately.
Owner Information – Check to make sure your information is updated and correct.
Test Selection
Your Miniature Zebu test results will NOT be recorded in the IMZA herd book unless it has Genotype on file or both the Dam and the Sire are in the VLG database already and the offspring you are testing is being parent verified. You MUST select one of these options.
1. To have the DNA Results listed in the IMZA herd book you must select either: Genetic Markers without parentage (This is for animals that do not have either parents DNA on file) Or Parentage Verification (this is for animals that have the dam or sire or both on file with DNA that are affiliated and recorded in the IMZA herd book already)
2. You may wish to select A2 milk protein and Miniature Zebu Bulldog Dwarfism tests at this time. 3. You must select Mini Zebu Bulldog Panel (BD1, BDz) to be recorded in the IMZA Herd Book as Non-Carrier.
Mini-Zebu Bulldog Panel (BDz, BD1) A2 (Beta Casein)
Test selection from VGL website:
*Remember only animals with a Genetic Marker report or with Parentage verification will be recorded into the IMZA herd book. If you only selected Milk Protein, Dexter BD1, Mini – Zebu Panel BD1/BDz or Mini Zebu BDz, the IMZA will not record your results in the herd book.
Sire and Dam Information
1. At the bottom of the page fill out the information exactly as it appears on the animal’s registration certificate for the Sire and Dam. Regardless if they have DNA on file or not.
2. Click Save.
3. You may now proceed to payment or order additional tests for other animals.
After choosing a payment option, you will print out a bar-coded submission form with instructions and a place to attach the sample that will be emailed to you.
VGL will send an email confirmation when your sample arrives at the laboratory. If time is of the essence, we recommend you send the sample via FedEx, UPS or DHL to the address listed for overnight couriers.
Payment - Payments may be made by credit card online, or you may send a check or credit card authorization form in with the sample. Instructions for sending a check or credit card information will print out with the sample submission form.
Results - Once the sample arrives at the laboratory please allow 5-10 business days for results. Results will be sent by email. To view/print your results, click on View Tests/Results, find specific test and then click on Result (at the far right).
If you need further assistance please contact us at IMZADNA@gmail.com
If you have already tested your Miniature Zebu with VGL and would like the results recorded with the IMZA, go to your VGL account and affiliate that individual animal with the IMZA. Remember if the Genotype is not on file or the Miniature Zebu is not parent verified, other tests will Not be recorded in the herd book. If you have sent a sample for other tests previously, you may select the test for Genotype and VGL will send you the results from your previous sample.
* All DNA tests that are affiliated with the IMZA's UC Davis VGL Database Acct must be and will be verified by 2 members of the Board of Directors before any upload to the IMZA Herd Book.
If during the verification process, the completed test(s) do not meet the requirements to be displayed in the Herd Book, you will be notified as to why. You will be instructed on how to remedy this.
Verified DNA submissions are only sent to the Registrar at the end of each month, so please be patient as they will be included in the next upload.
**Please do not send or submit any DNA information or results to the IMZA Registrar. Please send all questions and comments to IMZADNA@gmail.com.